Gift Transfer Utility Plug-In for The Raiser's Edge

Move selected Gifts from one Constituent to another


The Gift Transfer Utility plug-in for The Raiser's Edge 7 makes it easy to move* a gift – or gifts – from one Constituent to another.

One of the difficulties with The Raiser's Edge is that if a gift is inadvertently added to the wrong Constituent record, the only way to move it to the correct record is to manually recreate it and delete the original gift.

This is time-consuming, tedious and prone to error.

The Gift Transfer Utility plug-in automates this process for all types of gifts for any type of Constituent. And if you move a Recurring or Pledge Gift, their associated Cash Gifts move with them.

You also have the option to filter displayed gifts by various options such as their type, receipt, post and acknowledgement status, date, etc.


Using the Gift Transfer Utility you can:

  • Move a Recurring Gift and all of its Cash Gifts from an Individual to any other type of Constituent.
  • Move gifts for the past year from an Organization to any other type of Constituent.
  • Move all gifts from any type of Constituent to any other type of Constituent.

In fact, the only gifts you can't move are Cash Gifts linked to a Recurring or Pledge Gift without also moving the parent gift.

Explanation of Process

* We need to make you aware of something before we go any further.

Because the Gift Transfer Utility – like all plug-ins – is restricted to using the Raiser's Edge API, there are some (minor) restrictions on what can be done.

The RE7 API doesn't allow for the explicit moving of a gift from one Constituent record to other. So what the Gift Transfer Utility actually does is recreate the gift on the new Constituent and then delete the old gift, much as you would do manually, except much faster and without the risk of error.

So, although we are transferring all of the details of the Gift, we are not actually moving it, per se.

During the recreation process a couple of things simply cannot be done via the API:

  • The Gift Transfer Utility cannot maintain the original Date Added and Added By values; the Date Added of the recreated Gift will be the processing date and the Added By value will be that of the user processing the Gift.
  • The "moved" gift is effectively the same as a gift you have recreated manually on a different Constituent record using the Raiser's Edge application, except obviously a lot faster and with less margin for error.

Another option

In the interests of providing you with the complete picture, theoretically, I would be possible to actually move a gift from one Constituent record to another (rather than recreate it) by accessing the SQL back-end data and changing a couple of table IDs. In fact, we have tried this and it works, much as the built in bulk gift transfer utility works in The Raiser's Edge itself. However, using this method would violate your Blackbaud user agreement and support contract, so we don't support nor recommend this method.

Development Partnerships

We're always looking for development partners whereby you get our software at a generous discount in return for helping us test and improve it.

If you have the time and expertise to liaise with us in testing new product features, we can provide the Gift Transfer Utility plug-in to you at a rock-bottom price. So get in touch and let's see what we can do together.

More information

  • Download the Gift Transfer Utility plug-in and try it out, fully-functional with your production Raiser's Edge database, for 14 days.
  • Contact us.

The Gift Transfer Utility plug-in in action

Gift Transfer Utility